HtmlTextView Android project is an open-source library that enables developers to display formatted HTML content in a TextView widget within an Android application.
With this library, developers can easily display HTML content, including text, images, links, and other media, using a TextView widget without the need for any additional customization or coding. This is particularly useful when developers want to display formatted content that has been obtained from a web API or other online source, or when they want to create rich-text documents within their application.
Support tag base on build in Html.fromHtml (String source, int flags) in android
Quick Start
HtmlTextView is available on jitpack.
Add dependency:
implementation "com.github.sakacyber:html-textview:1.0.15"
to use HtmlTextView:
android:padding="16dp" />
In Activity or Fragment
// activity or fragment
htmlTextView.setText(html, lifecycleScope)
update text size
// size in dp